Monday, 21 April 2008

Everything happens for a reason.

So I've been thinking about N quite a lot lately. Over the weekend we talked more than usual and even texted too. I don't know if this means anything to him or not. But I'm feeling something positive from it. I'm looking forward to Saturday. 

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I put my life into that phrase, because I think it is the truth behind everything. So, if it doesn't work out I believe that it's just meant to be like that. Like with my previous boyfriends I went through hell, and suffered, and they turned out to be different people than I thought they were. But I learnt a lot from the experience and it has made me a stronger person. Therefor I believe that is the reason for going through that shit. However, Reason's for getting with N aren't really coming to me. Yes, of course there's the obvious - 'because we like each other' (which I don't even know for sure yet) - but I feel like there's gotta be something more to it than that. Everything seems to be significant in my life. Everything has some kind of meaning and timing is everything. It's the start of spring now. Officially. Today the weather is absolutely gorgeous. Warm and everything. And apparently it's gonna stay like this for a while. Perhaps things are looking up. Perhaps this fits.

New season. New life? To some extent... maybe? 
I don't know if I'm way in over my head.
And I don't know if I'm jinxing this by talking about it. 

I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see what happens. 
Everything happens for a reason.


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