Sunday, 23 May 2010


Morning comes in paradise,
Morning comes in light,
If you have a part of me,
Will you take your time.

Times are changing. A life I had become so comfortable with has been taken away from me, through no choice of my own. I am riddled with heartache and the discomfort of knowing how happy I was before now. I am trying to get past it. I am trying to stay positive. There is no need to repeat the story of what has led me here, as I am so sick of telling it. There is no way that we can move on if we insist on remembering the past. However, there is indeed a silver lining to every cloud, and I've got a few of them. When shit gets bad, you know who your real friends are, and I am so eternally grateful to say that I've got some of the best. Summer is going to be a godsend in terms of the time I need away in order to get over this mess. I don't want to be too optimistic about it though, as last summer was catastrophic I am avoiding getting my hopes up. I definitely feel demoralised at the moment. I refuse to ever give up my values, I know what they are and I have always stood by them. But when so much undeserved misfortune hits you at once, it inspires a lack of faith in anything. Despite how negative this may sound, for me it's a positive thing to not be too hopeful right now. There is something in the air and it is lingering.
Of course I have got an element of hope that it will pass, that summer will be blissful, and once again I will be happy like I was. But I am oh too much familiar with this pattern. Let's hope my luck changes soon.

As of tomorrow I am done for the summer. One weight off my mind for the time being. After being so suppressed by someone else's judgements and opinions, I feel it is time to rediscover me. I'm going shopping for a summer wardrobe. If I like it, I'll buy it. I'm wearing my hair curly, it's healthier and more summery. I'm getting my nose re-pierced because again, I liked it. And I am considering getting a tattoo saying 'fidelity' possibly on the back of my neck. I thought about getting this done a while ago when I first discovered the word. After being treated like shit, it has just made me realise even more how faithful I am when I am committed to someone. I will always stand by that. Generally in life I want to be loyal, to my friends, partner, family. The word inspires strength, and sometimes, when you feel at your lowest point, it is good to have a reminder of how strong I can be when I need to. It is possible, that word means a lot to me. And it is my expectation when it comes to friends and partners. I am what I am, and I expect the same in return. I have no time for disloyal, selfish cheats.

One quote which has got me through all of this suffering is:

"Sing. Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours. Floss. Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. But in the end the race is long, and it's only with yourself."

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Hope for the best, expect the worst.

I've had a lot of time to think.

The past month has really taught me a lot about myself. It has taught me that I had never been in love like I was with you before. I say was but I mean I still am. The 7 months that we were together we quite literally the best 7 months of my life. It felt like I'd struck gold with you. Not only did we have so much in common, but I just clicked with you right from the word go. This whole time I have been trying to look at the postives in what has happened to get me through. I've realised that I have got some of the most amazing friends, who before now I had really taken for granted. I've managed to get my own independance and I've genuinely enjoyed having my own space. But the truth is, Lewis that I miss you. I miss you so much. All along I have said that there is no one else I would rather be with and I stand by that. I don't know how to get over you when a huge part of me doesn't want to, and can't. Despite what has happened and what you did, I still care for you so much. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I miss everything that we had and would still do anything to have it back. I can forgive you for this because I love you that much. I'm so upset that I can't be with you anymore and it is absolutely killing me.

I don't know what to say or do anymore. I just miss you, a lot.