Monday, 18 May 2009


"But don't look back in anger, I heard you say."

This is it. The end of High School. The end of education as I am so familular with. Despite feeling ready for these days almost my entire life, now, I couldn't be more scared. I'm sad, very sad, that everything is coming to an end. 

Looking back, I have been so found of my High School years at both Tytherington and Fallibroome. Tytherington was my growth, and even though I have already bid it farewell, it still deserves mentioning. Those years, and the people I met were the groundwork for who I am today. Those influential meetings that changed my life forever. Teacher's who inspired me, lead me to doing what I love now. Friends who I lost, friends who I kept, friends who I will always remember. 

I grew out of Tytherington, and in a state of - what felt like - rebellion I moved to a new school for sixth form. Going to Fallibroome has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Most importantly opening my eyes to what I want to do with the rest of it, Theatre. Again, I have met some incredible people, inspiring, wonderful people. Year 12 was much tougher than Year 13. It took me almost a year to establish a place in the school that I was comfortable with, and really fit in. Year 13, undoubtably, has been one of the best years of my life. I've kept friendships with people from Tytherington, and created new, important bonds with more people. I passed my driving test, evoking new freedom in my life. And what I believe is most memorable, I have fallen in love. I have met one of the most amazing guys who I believe I will ever meet in my life, and whatever happens, I never want to lose him as a friend. After discussing university, we have mutually accepted that a break up is probably the best thing for the both of us, as long as we don't lose touch. I hope, and sincerely believe that we can still be us... without being us. I never want to lose him. He means the absolute world to me, and a part of me, I am sure, will always love him. 

So life is dramatically changing. I have officially three days left, and then exams. After that, a long and hopefully blissful summer which will inevitably lead to results day, and the markings for the rest of our lives. It's that kind of happy sad ending. Because we know, that it's not ending. As one journey ends another will begin. I am glad that I have been able to create a life that I can look back on so fondly. And I hope, with all my heart, that the fun doesn't end here. 

Bring on the future. 

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