Live everyday to it's full.
I think I'll take my shot the next chance I get.
I have a new fall back... maybe...
He's called Dan. I've known him for years, and he's always had a crush on me. Recently though, I've found him more and more attractive. He has such a genuine and friendly personality. He's so sweet and caring. He's just lovely. We have similar tastes in music and he's got good style. So what's wrong? Well he lives quite far away. Well, not FAR far. But far enough to make me question if a relationship or a fling or whatever, will work. He lives in greater Manchester. So that's not that far away. But it's a fag to get to every weekend to see him.
I was talking to him today and forgot how lovely he is. We've always had a special relationship. I don't really know what to do.
I think I want to give it a shot with N, because that would be so perfect if it worked out. But then fall back on Dan if it doesn't. I feel secure with Dan. It's such a puppy but he's absolutely lovely. I feel... connected... to him. It's weird. If I really let myself I think I could properly fall for him. I just hope it wont backfire. Somethings holding me back and I'm not really sure what.
I need to meet up with N again and see what happens.
I can't stop thinking about Dan though.